You can download the zip package and upload any of the games below to your site!
'.$row['gamename'].' |
Version: '.$row['latestversion'].' |
Updated: '.$row['latestdate'].' |
'.$row['shortdescription'].' |
//get the data:
$query = "SELECT * FROM fliplinegames WHERE active = 1 AND comingsoon = 0 ORDER BY sorting DESC";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($num_rows > 0){
//echo the start of the table:
echo '';
$which = -1;
for ($i=0; $i<$num_rows; $i++){
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
//start panel
if ($row['getitzip'] == "" && $row['getitcode'] == ""){
//echo "NODATAHERE";
} else {
$which ++;
if ($which % 2 == 0){
//even number, it's the first of its row:
//start the row:
echo '';
//output the game paneL:
} else {
//add middle spacer, and start this cell:
echo ' | | ';
//odd number, it's the second of its row:
//end this row:
echo ' | | | | ';
} //end panel
} //end forloop
//cleanup when done with loop:
if ($which % 2 == 0){
//it finished with a starting one, fill in the end of the tags:
//add middle spacer, and start this cell:
echo ' | ';
echo ' ';
//end this row:
echo ' | | | | ';
//echo the end of the table:
echo ' ';
} else {
//no data at all, numrows = 0
//echo 'NONE';